Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Improve Your Online Sales - Make Your Website Talk

The latest trend in website marketing is the use of a speaking animated character or avatar to engage with customers when they visit your website. According to research, these characters can help increase your conversion and sales results, increase the time visitors spend on your site, and, provide your company with that all important competitive edge! In addition, a major benefit is that your information and sales message is reinforced through sight and sound. Your website can talk directly to the customer letting them know what you can offer them in a welcoming and professional manner.

Sites like Sitepal allow you to create and customise your own animation to fit with the image and personality of the products and services you are promoting. So when you're choosing what hair colour, age, clothing your character is going to wear, why not think about customizing the audio to match? Although these sites give you the option of their text to speech service its worth considering the benefits of using a professional voiceover artist to record your message.

The sound of a real human voice can really make the difference. Text to speech applications are becoming more and more sophisticated but they are still no substitute for the real human voice. The human ear can detect a synthesized voice immediately while most people will respond to the natural cadence and emotions present in a real live human voice.

In addition, a professional voiceover can bring all their experience of reading a powerful and persuasive sales message. You can also choose a voice to suit your customers expectations - clients can choose a voice to brand their company. A sound which reflects the image and values that their company holds.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Bible Podcasts Just Keep on Growing on the Internet

It was only just a few years ago the podcasts were viewed as a way for young people to download and listen to music that was stored in their MP3 players. Very few people at that time really considered the true potential of podcasts as a tool for churches to spread their influence beyond the area that their parishioners lived in. Soon however, people began to catch on and now even the Bible can be downloaded in an audio version from an online podcast.

So Much Easier

The truth be told, the Bible can be difficult reading for a good percentage of a churches parishioners. Sure, they do their best and do make some progress, but if they have vision problems the problem is only exacerbated. With Bible podcasts, a person can download the whole bible or just certain parts of it that they are interested in hearing. It just makes the whole experience of studying the bible far more exciting and interesting.

Great for Bible Study Sessions

For Bible study sessions and classes, Bible podcasts are especially useful. It replaces having someone in the group read bible passages which still does have its place. However; its just so much quicker and convenient to move through multiple Bible passages in a much shorter time using convenient prerecorded Bible podcasts. Also, people can be separated into groups and listen to separate Bible passages using headphones completely free of distractions.

Keep Parishoners Involved

Bible podcasts are also a great way to keep parishioners involved with a church. By offering a different quote from the Bible each day that parishioners can download, it keeps parishioners a reason to stay in contact every day. Also, important messages can be included with bible podcasts that churches make available as well. Fund raising is still another use that many churches have for Bible podcasts.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

4 Tips to Power Your Audio Product Efforts

One of the fastest growing portions of the internet marketing arena is audio products. As technology continues to provide more and more developments almost every online marketer can now offer audio products in the form of CDs and MP3s as a part of their product portfolio. Now only is this becoming a popular and profitable means of presenting products and information, but it is also an opportunity for internet marketers to create mid-level and higher-level products. In this article I will present 4 tips to power your audio product effort forward.

1. Start by knowing the needs and difficulties faced by your targeted customers. Success in audio product development isn't as easy as selecting a topic and then recording with hopes that your newly recorded product will find a ready market. Your audio products must provide the useful data, details and information that your prospective buyers seek. Before you start recording make sure you know exactly what your targeted customers seek. Know their most compelling problems, issues and their most burning questions. With that knowledge in-hand you are ready to select the right topic for your recording.

2. Don't skimp when it comes to your audio gear. Set the goal of producing only high-quality, professional audio products for your internet marketing business. Conduct research on all equipment and tools before you buy. Check online for product comparisons and then go see for yourself. You will be amazed at the difference in quality a few more dollars can mean to your recording efforts.

3. Practice to create professional sounding recordings. Establish the goal to create only professional sounding recordings. Then take the time to practice and prepare before you ever record a word. Become comfortable with the materials you will present, and work on your control of both the speed and the volume of your voice. Be sure you are very accurate in you pronunciation. Articulate every word very clearly. Vary the speed and the inflection of your voice to emphasize key points. Create an interesting recording for your listeners to hear.

4. Get rid of all background noise. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to rent a professional recording studio for your audio product development. If you choose to work from home then you must do away with background noises to create the right environment. Start by turning off all appliances and equipment possible. Next request that other household members leave (whenever possible) while you are in the actual process of recording. Finally, create a soundproof recording area in your home.

To your internet marketing success!

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Seven Ways to Maximize the Marketing Potential of Your Audio Interview With an Expert

You've found the expert. You've conducted the interview.

If you've done your homework right, you should now have in your possession, information that your clients want to hear.

But how best can you make that information work for you?

The answer lies in recognizing the enormous potential for self-promotion that the interview holds. A positive experience for the listener - both in terms of content and delivery - reflects well on your business.

So follow these seven steps and go all out to create one.

Make sure you edit the interview. People don't want to listen to the "ums" and "ahs" and boring bits that form part of everyday conversation. Get rid of them.

Add an introduction to that audio. People want to know what they are about to listen to. So let them know who is doing the interview, who you are interviewing, and what is the listener going to hear. An introduction puts everything into perspective.

Promote your products at different points in the interview. Let's face it, if you're interview is any good, people will be listening. Don't miss these opportunities. Insert "calls to action" at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the interview.

Upload your best work to iTunes. I have over 200 interviews on that site. When people download my interviews, they see that I am the artist and are given the URL of my website. It's a great gateway to new potential customers.

Make sure you insert an ID3 tag on your work. These are tags you can code your audios with. They ensure that even if people share your work with their friends (which is increasingly likely to happen ), the end user knows who you are!

Use every part of the audio "real estate." Most CDs are 70 minutes in length. If your interview lasts 50 minutes, fill the space. I like to surprise the listeners of my CDs by announcing: "Here's an unexpected bonus for the last 20 minutes of this CD." These bonus interviews are particularly powerful marketing tools. They also allow for further opportunities for promotion.

Finally, thank people for listening. Not only does it make them feel like their time was valued, it also makes them feel good about you - increasing the likelihood that they'll continue their relationship with your business.

So that's it.

It's possible for customers to hear your audio interviews without ticking all of these boxes.

But, if you want to increase the chances that they purchase from you, you'd be crazy not to do them all.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   

What to Tell Your Interview Guest to Expect Before the Interview

Your experts expect you to act like an professional. You'll need to tell them exactly how the interview is going to take place.

This is how I handle it. You'll explain that you will call them by phone. You tell them that you need them to be on a hard wired phone. You do not want them talking from a cell or cordless phone. You explain that you need one hour for the interview.

You explain that you do not want any interruptions. You tell them that you will record the interview. You relax them by telling them that it's just you and I talking. Tell them that you will retain all rights to the audio interview but after the interview is done, you will provide you a copy for them to review. Then tell them that once the editing is complete you will publish the interview on your website.

All of this is negotiable. Most people understand that when someone does an interview with you, they get to promote their book they talk about their website. It's important that you take control and set the criteria and the ground rules for the interview.

Take charge and have the confidence because you're the boss and they will follow and do whatever you say. I called it the attitude. If you're doing them the favor, you need to have the attitude. You're doing them the favor, interviewing them, not the other way around.

That all comes with you're confidence. And so, if you don't have the confidence, just act like you do, even if you don't.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

Internet Talk Radio - A New Dimension of the World

Since the invention of radio, it is playing a great role in everyone's life due to its valuable role in the mass media. History reveals that Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose started his research work on the detection of the millimeter wave radiation and later he demonstrated his apparatus for detecting radio frequency. In the past radio used to be a large thing with vacuum tube technology, but with the passage of ages it was transformed into a much sophisticated and smaller device with a solid state transistor technology. Recently carbon nanotubes have been used as components in high frequency.

The American scientists first developed in the world, such a radio device which is based on nano sized radio-wave receivers and detectors fabricated from a single carbon nanotube. In such a radio antenna and tuner can operate in a different way compared to the traditional radio, which receives the signals via high frequency mechanical vibrations of the nanotube rather than electrically. These vibrations only become significant only when the frequency of the incoming wave matches the resonance frequency of the nanotube. This resonance can be tuned to receive a band of electromagnetic spectrum. The audio quality of the signal is demodulated by the carbon nanotube. The audio quality of the signal is demodulated by the carbon nanotube. The nanotube radio can be inserted inside the human living cell for a sub cellular remote controlled interface. The nanotube radio can be inserted inside the human living cell for a sub cellular remote controlled interface. A single carbon nanotube served all the purposes of a radio. It played the role of all the four essential components such as amplifier, antenna, demodulator and tuner.

With the growth of civilizations, new inventions and discovery are made which rapidly influence the lives of common people. Wireless technology develops in a faster pace with the passage of years. The bubble which bursts and left the world spellbound with its impact is the internet. The growing inter services change many things, it even change the age old radio system. To make a radio a radical media for communication, it should be used with some empowering knowledge. Online talk radio provides us to share our views and opinions online, to solve our problems be it health related or related to our personal life. Though it is somehow true that discussing a thing openly lead to controversial matters.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   

Add Personality and Music to Your Website

One of the biggest appeals of internet use today is the expressionism that is so readily available these days. Blogging is one such form, yet another form (and one that can easily be combined with the blogging experience) is the experience of adding free music to your website. There are many choices as far as this goes, whether you have a MySpace account, a WordPress blog or a website of your own. Listed below are a few options, which are easily searchable by your standard search engine (such as Google or Yahoo):

o MyFlashFetish has a pretty simple concept: you enter the name of your favorite artist(s), and it will lead you to a list of songs as found through its search engine. From there, you can choose to add what you like to your playlist. This can be used with virtually any blogging program (MySpace, Gaia, Bebo, Blogger and Friendster, to name a few) and has quite a few different skin options. Note to Firefox users: you will have to view this page in Internet Explorer in order for the "Add to Playlist" option to work.

o PodBean is another option for adding free music to your website. With this site (which can also be used for podcasts), you simply choose the player skin that you want, and then begin adding mp3s. It gives you the option to either give a URL where the mp3 can be found or, if you have an account (which you will need to use this), you can choose mp3s that you store there. With the free account, you receive up to 100 MB of storage space (as opposed to paying $1.99/mo. for 1 GB).

o AudioPlayer provides an embedded mp3 player for your WordPress. The program is free to use, while donations are welcomed, and the player colors can be customized. There is also a link on the page to a tutorial, which will show you how to add it to a non-WordPress page.

o BlogcastOne is a bit more limited, but could still be a viable option. With this site, you simply enter the URL location of the mp3 that you want to play on your website, and select a color theme. With programs like FileDen, you can upload your own mp3s and use the URL that it is saved to. Best option if you only want to play a song at a time.

o Mirpod is yet another option. It's an embedded mp3 player with customizable skins. You can also add text to the player for a more personalized look.

o HalfBaked is yet another embedded mp3 player. It has code for tech savvy users, and a tutorial for people who are less familiar with code.

If none of these seem like a favorable option for you, you can always add free music to your website by learning to make your own mp3 player. This can easily be searched for by including the term "how to" in front of it.

No matter what, make sure the website you are using is well reputed, and isn't laced with spyware instead. Above all else, be sure to enjoy expressing yourself with the addition of free music on your website!

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Audio Streaming Software to Spice Up Your Web Site

It is unquestionable that audio driven web sites are taking the internet by storm. Many online marketers or web site owners have audio streaming software installed in order for them to add audio to their web site. Audio streaming has added more excitement to a pure text web site. Many internet users are delighted not only to read web pages but also listen to audio. Even online marketers would say that their sales and subscriptions have increased since they employed an audio software for their web sites.

For your convenience, you need a step by step audio wizard that will teach you how to install audio on your web site. One very important thing that you must consider is the sound quality. It is very essential that your message must be clear and efficient. Otherwise, you web site's visitors will be turned off if you have a poor sound quality. Remember that you will be imparting important information about your products or services, so it is but apt that you deliver your message clearly.

Aside from the software that you will be using, make sure that your web site's visitors will also hear a good voice quality from whoever will do your streaming audio. The voice must be able to enunciate words clearly. Usually, it is advisable that you put audio streaming in pages of your web sites that are considered to be a little dull. Setting up a spoken message for your web site need not be complicated if you choose an easy to learn audio software. It must be user-friendly that even people with little technical knowledge about the internet will be able to understand and use the software.

Many online marketers believe that by using a spoken message on your site, you will be able to save time from rewriting your web copy. With the right software, you will be able to make changes or make customer updates through audio recording. If you are selling products on your web site, voice messages are guaranteed to make you pitch more products to your customers instantly. If in case you have a new product to sell, you do not need to waste a lot of time in making a new ad copy.

However, you can have a streaming audio done in less than five minutes and be able to sell your product instantly. With spoken word on your site, downloading your page might be a little heavy. So, ensure that you compress your files so that it will much easier to download and won't eat up a lot of space. Look for the best audio streaming software that is easy to use and is not too expensive. Most of these products do not need monthly subscriptions. With the right software to help you spice up your web page, you are surely updated of the trends online.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Audio to PHP Tool - Don't Buy Before You Read!

Curious about a simple way that'll enable you to easily improve your Site's performance? Well, Audio To PHP Tool is definitely something you should seriously examine. Without any doubt - plain content is just not enough. Want to know more? Follow this short article.


This advanced Audio To PHP Tool converts music/audio files to Web-format. It takes no more than two minutes to get the job done. You provide it with the requested files, select a player type and that is it. Lastly, you get a small code to be added to your webpage.

The created file is called: 'streaming webaudio' - your visitors don't have to wait to download a large file before playing that file.

As you already figure out it is quite effective and it offers so many important advantages; for example: being able to let your visitors hear you rather than just read your plain text or auto-redirect your visitors to other Website(s) after listening.

Quick tip

Remember one thing while using this technology: write a short script before recording your messages so it comes out fluent and persuasive. One other thing: there are plenty sophisticated solutions over the world-wide-web, begin with the small ones - in most cases you won't need more than that.


The reason that turned it extremely effective is the fact that Audio To Php Tool enables any online-marketer to easily promote almost any product/service on the Web, at minimal costs, and with amazing success rates. Have you ever tried communicating with others by using sign language? Isn't it frustrating? Now is the time to take action - it is recommended to test it as in most cases it will take you no more than several minutes to evaluate it.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Do You Want Audio on Your Website? Consider These Points

Have you been thinking about adding audio to your website? Here are a few things to consider before you do.

First, a word of warning...

There are several inexpensive programs making the rounds that allow you to record your audio, add background music, even redirect your listener to a different page at the end of the recording. Do they work as promised? Yes, and no. Yes, you can easily produce a very acceptable audio. Getting it to work on your web site is an entirely different matter. You had better be familiar with FTPing and have at least a basic knowledge of HTML, or you can end up wasting days, even weeks, before you are through. For example, what works on Mozilla Firefox doesn't always work on Internet Explorer and visa versa.

Do you really have something to say? Adding audio to your website, just because you can, is like adding extra salt to the soup, just because you have a lot of salt. It may be too much of a good thing. Don't just read the content on your web page. Use your audio as an introduction to your web site. Use it to emphasize the main points on your so your visitor will have a reason to read the content. Of course, you can do it the other way. Have your audio be the content. This can be very effective on a short squeeze page. Good graphics, a great audio and very little text can FORCE your visitor to listen to you, but you better get it right, or CLICK! They are outta there.

Will an audio message add to your website, or be a distraction? Personally, I like audio-websites, but sometimes they are downright annoying. When some guy is yapping away at me, competing with his own background music, while I am trying to concentrate on the content of his sales letter, CLICK! I'm outta there.

Should you "do it yourself", or should you use a "professional" voice? I want to sound like Hugh Grant. I want to sound as if I never lose my cool, never sweat. Unfortunately, I am a mid-westerner. I have that flat, nasal twang that is common where I come from. When I hear a playback of my voice it reminds me of a gaggle of geese crossing a highway. Is it really that important? Let's just say that I would never hire me to record an audio message. On the other hand, most people don't like the sound of their own voice and while a professional narrator will sound cool, he, or she, will never sound as authentic and personal as you will. When I hear something too slick, CLICK! I'm outta there.

So, what should you do?

Use a decent microphone. Used correctly, the mike on your web cam may be good enough. If not, beg, borrow, or buy one. A unidirectional microphone is your best bet. A headset mike, even an inexpensive one, is probably the best choice because, once you get the sound level right, the mike will always be the same distance from your mouth. This will produce a very consistent sound level. Get the sound level right. Tweak it until it is right. Don't have the volume so high that the listener goes into cardiac arrest, or has to crank the volume up, just to hear you. After you upload your audio, go to your web site and listen to it there. That is where it has to sound right. Don't have the dog barking, or the baby crying in the background. Don't bump the mike while you are recording. Don't cough into the mike. Don't rattle paper while you are recording. Pay attention to all the little details. They are important. Use appropriate background music, or none at all. Your visitor wants to hear your message, not your favorite song. Your message is ALL important. Unless you are accustomed to doing so, don't try to ad-lib. Follow a script, but if your audio sounds too much like you are reading it, try using just an outline and ad-lib the content. Don't try to do it in one take. Do it over and over until you have it right. Got it? CLICK! I'm outta here. How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   

Streaming Audio Radio Stations

Streaming audio radio stations is a perfect way to generate income. For numerous years researchers have proven that advertising certain products and services using audio as a medium is a subliminal way to create interest. People tend to entertain themselves by listening to popular music or to their favorite talk radio program. Interlaced within these programs is the advertising of products and services.

Nevertheless, the enticing appeal of television and other audio/video mediums has made it harder to capture people's interest via the internet. Other techniques have to be utilized to give rebirth to the advantages of audio as a medium of advertising.

Streaming of audio radio stations has been discovered as a great method of advertising. In the past, the only form of audio that was available via Internet was that of compressed sound files, called MP3s. By providing the possibility of downloading sound files, companies had noticed the huge increase in their online traffic, and we all know that traffic generates income online.

However, this form of downloading had created the atmosphere of illegal activity through the downloading of copyrighted songs created by artists, musicians and record producers. People in this domain has been losing literally millions of dollars of business per year due to the advent of downloadable music on websites.

The appearance of the highly popular form of audio on the Internet of streaming audio radio stations created a new legal marketing medium. The streaming of audio radio stations does not allow the downloading of specific files containing copyrighted works. It is possible to find companies that encourage you to include their streaming audio radio stations on your website. They provide the service freely since they are generating income from the ads incorporated within streaming audio radio programs.

Can this be an opportunity to you personally? It does mean that you going to have updated material each and every time that someone visits your site. This updating does not take any effort on your part. All that you have to do is to create an account with specific streaming audio radio stations and then add a certain type of script within your blog or site.

Streaming of audio radio stations is a great way to generate interest to your site, which in turn will enhance your online income. I suggest that you visit the following internet marketing review site that will help you to use internet marketing techniques in conjunction with the streaming of audio radio stations.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   

How Long Should an Audio Interview Be?

How long should an audio interview be? One best way to set up your interviews is to separate it into parts. I think it is a good idea for a couple of reasons. Let's say you want to increase the value of a product. So let's say a teleseminar goes three hours and you know if I had it as just one file. If I wanted to sell it later and I say, "Okay, if anyone is interested in buying this teleseminar it's just one audio file or on one DVD, here it is." I could increase the value and break down the three hour recording into maybe six 30 minute sessions so when you go to a Web site you see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6. It's easier to download and I think it gives it an increased value by having it in parts.

For the most part if my interviews are over 60 minutes I'll do a Part 2. So if I have an interview that goes like with John Carlton, I think we went an hour and a half and I broke that up into two parts. If they really go long, then I will make it and I try not to make it any more than an hour, at the most, no more than 70 minutes.

Another reason is I'm pretty sure if you convert a digital MP3 file into an audio CD Rom I think the capacity on those CDs is 70 or 80 minutes. I think its 70 minutes, so if you go over 70 minutes you'll have to get another CD and if you're selling a physical product that is going to cost you more money on the duplicating and printing.

Paul Hartoonian, he goes with publicity stuff, and he's been on a lot of radio interviews, like 2,000 or 3,000 radio interviews. He was saying how he tries to keep his interviews to an hour or less and if it is going to go over an hour he says why don't we schedule another interview because people's attention starts to drop off at about an hour.

If I'm doing an interview and I've secured it and it's a pretty big name, I'll usually tell them to have 90 minutes available. If it's really going good and I'm not quite finished, I will try my best to keep going. I'll say, "Look, I'm not quite finished, do you want to keep going or do you want to reschedule?" I'll give them the choice but sometimes you only have that one time to get that interview.

I've had people say we can keep going and I'm able to get the whole interview and I've had people ask to reschedule. Anyone who said they would reschedule with me has honored that and rescheduled. So either way will work.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   

"Putting Audio on Site" Tool - Important Information!

"Putting Audio On Site" Tool is an online marketing solution that enables your Site to "Speak". It is already known - when you offer something on the web, don't just use plain text. Want to know more? keep following this report.


The following "Putting Audio On Site" Tool enables you to convert music/audio file(s) to Web-Format. It works fast and requires very minimal user intervention. Select the requested files, then pick a player-type, colors, size, and basically that is all. By the end you get a small code that you need to put in the selected webpage.

This webaudio is a 'streaming file' - it is simultaneously being transferred in real-time so that the file is being received by your visitors in a continuous stream.

We can easily identify the potential here and the fact that it provides many exciting ideas and opportunities; for example: recording messages by yourself with a built-in voice recorder or creating 'voice' products by simply talking into a microphone for 60 minutes or so, and then selling an audio-eBook.


B.t.w, don't forget this quick advice while using this technology: try 'split-testing' with your recordings, see which recording performs the best. Many users tend to forget this: there are many high-cost solutions on the net', do yourself a favor and start with one of these simple tools - you don't need more than that.

Summarizing this article

Many Website(s) owners already recognized the fact that "Putting Audio On Site" Tool is a 'must have' for the simple reason that it brings outstanding results. Have you ever tried communicating with others by using sign language? Isn't it frustrating? It is highly recommended to use it in order to explore and see how it can easily improve the productivity of your online business.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   

Quality Sound is a Must in Audio Marketing

Webmasters these days are very innovative when it comes to making their sales pages attractive and catchy. Of course, they had to do this stuff lest internet users would skip their boring web sites. One of the many innovations in web site marketing is to have on your site a sound to go with the text of your pages. Audio marketing is just one of the many techniques that you can add to spice up your sales pages. In the past, online marketers had to deal with poor sound quality output on their web sites. It was quite a big effort for them to produce quality audio marketing.

However, online marketers have realized that good sound quality is just as important as the content of their web page. To have a profitable audio marketing, you need to find a way on how to come up with quality audio for your web site. You can choose whether to hire a professional to create audio for your web site or you can learn how to do it by yourself. For some online marketers, outsourcing the services of a professional in web audio production is more practical. They believe that it can be more profitable if they concentrate on income-generating aspects of their business and leave audio marketing to the hands of experts.

With very little knowledge on the technical aspect of sound production, one may produce a mediocre sound for their sites. Thus, they could be wasting their time on unproductive outputs. On the other hand, affiliate marketers who are determined to produce their own outputs, have audio streaming tutorials that they can study. Making your own sound output can actually be less expensive than hiring the services of a professional. This is one advantage of learning the craft yourself. However, it also requires your time to apply and practice what you have learned. If you think you have the time to divert your focus from your business to audio marketing, then you may learn how to create sound outputs yourself.

Though it may be time consuming, you will still benefit greatly from learning this new innovation. There are a lot of related tools that will aid you in producing good sound for your sales pages. To have a successful audio marketing, you have to pay particular attention on the details of the sound that you will be producing for your sales page. The voice quality of your talent must be pleasing to the ears. People would often prefer to hear those voices that they usually hear on television or radio. That would be impressive to hear. Aside from the voice quality, you have to make sure that your talent is able to enunciate the message that you want to relay to your prospective customers.

In order to produce quality sound output, it is also important that you have edited it well. It should be free of unnecessary noise which may affect the whole presentation. Surely no one would want to browse a page with distracting noises. Avoid frustrating your customers. This could make them all the more shy away from your page. Maximize the benefits of audio marketing and increase your online business' earning potentials.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   

Improve Social Marketing With Custom Audio and Voice Overs

So you've got a visual presence, are on all of the social networking sites and send messages like crazy but you're finding that the human element, although seemingly everywhere you look, is oddly... missing.

How is it that you can have a photo, an about me paragraph, and hundreds of virtual friends but still miss the boat?

One thing probably nobody has told you about social marketing and social networking (that is, up until now) is that you can't just have a visual presence online and expect to be the beneficiary of overwhelming success because of some strategically placed keywords and an enviable list of hobbies.

What you do need, however, is a way to talk to people naturally to give them a taste of who you are and what you sound like. People enjoy hearing the voices of other people, particularly if that person is of interest to them or has something to of value to offer.

Sounds good, you say, but how can you get down with the crowd when marketing to them without sounding salesy?

Custom Audio & Social Marketing

One way is to record an audio message of yourself talking, perhaps even go as far as making a podcast, and post it on your social networking sites. Places like Facebook and MySpace give you the opportunity to share audio on your profile for others in your circle of acquaintance to listen to.

Listening to someone talk can be very reassuring, and for those being listened to, has the potential to be very profitable.

This marketing technique, when blended with public relations, can be extremely effective. Using an audio recording as part of your approach to deliver a genuine message to spur on your company, product or service opens the door to a greater sense of community and shows that you're reaching out and want to be part of the action.

What better way is there to build trust, virtually connect with others and develop a following online than to make yourself accessible using your voice, the most powerful tool in your arsenal?

You don't have worry about too much in the technology department to provide an authentic sample of your personality when recording. You can easily make a no-frills MP3 recording on your own using free audio recording software, but if you want to kick it up a notch, I suggest spicing it up a bit with some music, sound effects and even the help of a professional voice actor.

Voice Overs & Social Marketing

To really give them a treat, you might consider working with an internet voice talent on the recordings, perhaps even using their voice to brand your company.

Now, if you are intimidated by audio recording, production or editing (maybe all of the above), it's a no-brainer to go with someone who can look after all of it for you while adding significant value and letting you shine.

Your voice is a very important aspect of who you are, and when you're in the trenches of online marketing and staking your ground in the vast landscape of social networking, it may be one of the only things that sets you apart from competitors in the same field.

This is of particular importance if you happen to be the voice or personality at your company that is known to your customers and the public.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

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