Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Improve Your Online Sales - Make Your Website Talk

The latest trend in website marketing is the use of a speaking animated character or avatar to engage with customers when they visit your website. According to research, these characters can help increase your conversion and sales results, increase the time visitors spend on your site, and, provide your company with that all important competitive edge! In addition, a major benefit is that your information and sales message is reinforced through sight and sound. Your website can talk directly to the customer letting them know what you can offer them in a welcoming and professional manner.

Sites like Sitepal allow you to create and customise your own animation to fit with the image and personality of the products and services you are promoting. So when you're choosing what hair colour, age, clothing your character is going to wear, why not think about customizing the audio to match? Although these sites give you the option of their text to speech service its worth considering the benefits of using a professional voiceover artist to record your message.

The sound of a real human voice can really make the difference. Text to speech applications are becoming more and more sophisticated but they are still no substitute for the real human voice. The human ear can detect a synthesized voice immediately while most people will respond to the natural cadence and emotions present in a real live human voice.

In addition, a professional voiceover can bring all their experience of reading a powerful and persuasive sales message. You can also choose a voice to suit your customers expectations - clients can choose a voice to brand their company. A sound which reflects the image and values that their company holds.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Bible Podcasts Just Keep on Growing on the Internet

It was only just a few years ago the podcasts were viewed as a way for young people to download and listen to music that was stored in their MP3 players. Very few people at that time really considered the true potential of podcasts as a tool for churches to spread their influence beyond the area that their parishioners lived in. Soon however, people began to catch on and now even the Bible can be downloaded in an audio version from an online podcast.

So Much Easier

The truth be told, the Bible can be difficult reading for a good percentage of a churches parishioners. Sure, they do their best and do make some progress, but if they have vision problems the problem is only exacerbated. With Bible podcasts, a person can download the whole bible or just certain parts of it that they are interested in hearing. It just makes the whole experience of studying the bible far more exciting and interesting.

Great for Bible Study Sessions

For Bible study sessions and classes, Bible podcasts are especially useful. It replaces having someone in the group read bible passages which still does have its place. However; its just so much quicker and convenient to move through multiple Bible passages in a much shorter time using convenient prerecorded Bible podcasts. Also, people can be separated into groups and listen to separate Bible passages using headphones completely free of distractions.

Keep Parishoners Involved

Bible podcasts are also a great way to keep parishioners involved with a church. By offering a different quote from the Bible each day that parishioners can download, it keeps parishioners a reason to stay in contact every day. Also, important messages can be included with bible podcasts that churches make available as well. Fund raising is still another use that many churches have for Bible podcasts.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

4 Tips to Power Your Audio Product Efforts

One of the fastest growing portions of the internet marketing arena is audio products. As technology continues to provide more and more developments almost every online marketer can now offer audio products in the form of CDs and MP3s as a part of their product portfolio. Now only is this becoming a popular and profitable means of presenting products and information, but it is also an opportunity for internet marketers to create mid-level and higher-level products. In this article I will present 4 tips to power your audio product effort forward.

1. Start by knowing the needs and difficulties faced by your targeted customers. Success in audio product development isn't as easy as selecting a topic and then recording with hopes that your newly recorded product will find a ready market. Your audio products must provide the useful data, details and information that your prospective buyers seek. Before you start recording make sure you know exactly what your targeted customers seek. Know their most compelling problems, issues and their most burning questions. With that knowledge in-hand you are ready to select the right topic for your recording.

2. Don't skimp when it comes to your audio gear. Set the goal of producing only high-quality, professional audio products for your internet marketing business. Conduct research on all equipment and tools before you buy. Check online for product comparisons and then go see for yourself. You will be amazed at the difference in quality a few more dollars can mean to your recording efforts.

3. Practice to create professional sounding recordings. Establish the goal to create only professional sounding recordings. Then take the time to practice and prepare before you ever record a word. Become comfortable with the materials you will present, and work on your control of both the speed and the volume of your voice. Be sure you are very accurate in you pronunciation. Articulate every word very clearly. Vary the speed and the inflection of your voice to emphasize key points. Create an interesting recording for your listeners to hear.

4. Get rid of all background noise. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to rent a professional recording studio for your audio product development. If you choose to work from home then you must do away with background noises to create the right environment. Start by turning off all appliances and equipment possible. Next request that other household members leave (whenever possible) while you are in the actual process of recording. Finally, create a soundproof recording area in your home.

To your internet marketing success!

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Audio Interviews With Big Names - How to Land One   

Seven Ways to Maximize the Marketing Potential of Your Audio Interview With an Expert

You've found the expert. You've conducted the interview.

If you've done your homework right, you should now have in your possession, information that your clients want to hear.

But how best can you make that information work for you?

The answer lies in recognizing the enormous potential for self-promotion that the interview holds. A positive experience for the listener - both in terms of content and delivery - reflects well on your business.

So follow these seven steps and go all out to create one.

Make sure you edit the interview. People don't want to listen to the "ums" and "ahs" and boring bits that form part of everyday conversation. Get rid of them.

Add an introduction to that audio. People want to know what they are about to listen to. So let them know who is doing the interview, who you are interviewing, and what is the listener going to hear. An introduction puts everything into perspective.

Promote your products at different points in the interview. Let's face it, if you're interview is any good, people will be listening. Don't miss these opportunities. Insert "calls to action" at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the interview.

Upload your best work to iTunes. I have over 200 interviews on that site. When people download my interviews, they see that I am the artist and are given the URL of my website. It's a great gateway to new potential customers.

Make sure you insert an ID3 tag on your work. These are tags you can code your audios with. They ensure that even if people share your work with their friends (which is increasingly likely to happen ), the end user knows who you are!

Use every part of the audio "real estate." Most CDs are 70 minutes in length. If your interview lasts 50 minutes, fill the space. I like to surprise the listeners of my CDs by announcing: "Here's an unexpected bonus for the last 20 minutes of this CD." These bonus interviews are particularly powerful marketing tools. They also allow for further opportunities for promotion.

Finally, thank people for listening. Not only does it make them feel like their time was valued, it also makes them feel good about you - increasing the likelihood that they'll continue their relationship with your business.

So that's it.

It's possible for customers to hear your audio interviews without ticking all of these boxes.

But, if you want to increase the chances that they purchase from you, you'd be crazy not to do them all.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   

What to Tell Your Interview Guest to Expect Before the Interview

Your experts expect you to act like an professional. You'll need to tell them exactly how the interview is going to take place.

This is how I handle it. You'll explain that you will call them by phone. You tell them that you need them to be on a hard wired phone. You do not want them talking from a cell or cordless phone. You explain that you need one hour for the interview.

You explain that you do not want any interruptions. You tell them that you will record the interview. You relax them by telling them that it's just you and I talking. Tell them that you will retain all rights to the audio interview but after the interview is done, you will provide you a copy for them to review. Then tell them that once the editing is complete you will publish the interview on your website.

All of this is negotiable. Most people understand that when someone does an interview with you, they get to promote their book they talk about their website. It's important that you take control and set the criteria and the ground rules for the interview.

Take charge and have the confidence because you're the boss and they will follow and do whatever you say. I called it the attitude. If you're doing them the favor, you need to have the attitude. You're doing them the favor, interviewing them, not the other way around.

That all comes with you're confidence. And so, if you don't have the confidence, just act like you do, even if you don't.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   Downloadable Audio Books Rapidly Rising in Popularity   

Internet Talk Radio - A New Dimension of the World

Since the invention of radio, it is playing a great role in everyone's life due to its valuable role in the mass media. History reveals that Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose started his research work on the detection of the millimeter wave radiation and later he demonstrated his apparatus for detecting radio frequency. In the past radio used to be a large thing with vacuum tube technology, but with the passage of ages it was transformed into a much sophisticated and smaller device with a solid state transistor technology. Recently carbon nanotubes have been used as components in high frequency.

The American scientists first developed in the world, such a radio device which is based on nano sized radio-wave receivers and detectors fabricated from a single carbon nanotube. In such a radio antenna and tuner can operate in a different way compared to the traditional radio, which receives the signals via high frequency mechanical vibrations of the nanotube rather than electrically. These vibrations only become significant only when the frequency of the incoming wave matches the resonance frequency of the nanotube. This resonance can be tuned to receive a band of electromagnetic spectrum. The audio quality of the signal is demodulated by the carbon nanotube. The audio quality of the signal is demodulated by the carbon nanotube. The nanotube radio can be inserted inside the human living cell for a sub cellular remote controlled interface. The nanotube radio can be inserted inside the human living cell for a sub cellular remote controlled interface. A single carbon nanotube served all the purposes of a radio. It played the role of all the four essential components such as amplifier, antenna, demodulator and tuner.

With the growth of civilizations, new inventions and discovery are made which rapidly influence the lives of common people. Wireless technology develops in a faster pace with the passage of years. The bubble which bursts and left the world spellbound with its impact is the internet. The growing inter services change many things, it even change the age old radio system. To make a radio a radical media for communication, it should be used with some empowering knowledge. Online talk radio provides us to share our views and opinions online, to solve our problems be it health related or related to our personal life. Though it is somehow true that discussing a thing openly lead to controversial matters.

How to Move Your Audio Product Development to New Levels   Online Radio - 10 Publicity Boosting Shows For Books   "Adding Audio Player in Flash" Tool - Try it Now!   Tips in Adding Background Music to Your Website   Web Audio Promotion - Generate Huge Earnings   

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